We are investigating the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which microglia and other immune cells regulate central nervous system white matter health across the lifespan. We are identifying new roles for microglia in myelin development, homeostasis, and ageing.
We are identifying the roles of microglia and other immune cells in regulating myelin development or regeneration following injury, revealing therapeutic targets and strategies for conditions in which central nervous system white matter health is poor (e.g. perinatal brain injury/ cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and normal ageing/ dementia). We actively collaborate with, and consult for, pharmaceutical industry to support drug development.
We use a comprehensive approach to our research, combining experimental modelling (in vitro, ex vivo, in vivo), transgenic and pharmacological manipulation, ‘omics (digital spatial profiling, RNA seq, sc-RNAseq, TRAPseq, proteomics), drug screening and nanoparticle delivery, and human neuropathological analysis and cell culture.
Alana publishes review article. Alana led a review article on CNS macrophage populations and their roles in myelin development, health,…
Georgie wins oral presentation prizes. Georgie won the best postdoctoral presentation at the University of Toronto Department of Immunology retreat,…
Tina wins College-wide postdoctoral prize. Tina won runner up for the postdoctoral award for the College of Medicine and Veterinary…
Veronica elected to the Royal Society of Canada. Veronica has been elected to the Royal Society of Canada College of…
Lab hosts high school students for research demo. Tina hosted year 12 students in the lab as part of the…
Jonathan receives CIHR scholarship. Jonathan has been awarded a CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarship-M to kick start his graduate studies in…